Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bloggers Community Photo Challenge : Spring

This is my entry for The Bloggers Community Photo Challenge: First Sign of Spring. I had to look real hard but then some snow melted and the dumb Daylilies started to poke up out of their leaf duff. They will be frozen many times yet.. but they will still bloom next July. I took this photograph this afternoon April 07, 2009 and if you couldn't tell by the snow..I live in Minnesota..where spring has not quite sprung yet :) Click on the photo to enlarge it!


  1. Excellent shot of the transition!

  2. You have really captured the VERY beginning of spring! Wonderful entry ;)

  3. good shot of First Signs of Spring...it will get there sooner or later...and when it does...all will come out in full bloom.


  4. Spring is just around the corner. How exciting...soon those day lilies with be in full bloom. You definitely captured the very first signs of spring.

  5. Looks like you still have some snow around. :) Ours is disappearing more daily. :) And I do have tulips poking up. :)

  6. Melting snow, always a good sign..:-)


I love your comments! I am glad you stopped by! Connie