Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Stills : Sunsets or Sunrises

The Sunday Stills Challenge was Sunsets or Sunrises..well you have to be able to see the sun for it to rise or set. I did not see the sun last week, it rained, and was warm so much of our snow melted!

Here is the view in the direction that the sun would have been setting.  Watery and shades of grey and brown.
You will just have to imagine the sunset colors:)


  1. Oh the colors are amazing! Well they would be if that darn fog were not there. We are thawing today a lot but I know that March can still mean snow storms. We actually have sun shining right now and I can't believe it.

  2. The picture is lovely non-the-less. :)

  3. Our surroundings are pretty drabby! Looking forward to the little sunshine I'm going to find this week...somewhere

  4. Too funny! I love that you posted for us to "imagine" the colors...and that I did!
    May sunshine be back in your life soon!

  5. I am trying real hard to imagine that sunset. I'm sure it would be a pretty one over that field. At least spring is finally on the way.

  6. aww no! :(
    maybe next time xx

  7. We had the same troubles here. When I got word of the change in the weather I beat it out on Tuesday to try to catch the sky before the storm front arrived. I just made it kinda. I actually cheated and beefed up the colour in my photo.

    Well, you know you could always say this is a study in shades of gray. Which brings to mind the painting of Whistler's Mother, which is not called Whistler's mother at all but "A Study in Shades of Gray" Ok ok I know TMI. <(^.^)>

  8. I love your header photo! Hope the rain knocked the stuffin' out of your snow!

  9. Oh, that's funny... I'm sending you some glorious sunsets...

  10. Beautiful photo none the less. I'm sure a beautiful sunset will appear some day soon!

  11. It's still a sun rise or set even if you can't see the critter. Love the strong eyed stance Chance is taking in your header!

  12. I'm right there with you, but instead with snowy grey days instead....and just not in the mood to try and find a glint of where the sun would rise and set.
    I like what you came up with, though. And the view i so peaceful looking. Nice job.



I love your comments! I am glad you stopped by! Connie