Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Stills: Potluck with a purpose

I delete lots of photos too..I only keep the best ones.  Well what I think are the best ones.  This week the Sunday Stills Challenge was to critique your own photo.

A big problem I have is the horizon landscape photos.  Especially if I just grab my camera for one quick photo.

I took this photo this week.

crooked horizon

As you can see my horizon line is off.  In order to save this photo I have to take it into my photo program and straighten it up.

Like this…same photo

crooked horizon

Gotta love technology!  However it wastes valuable time..and unless it is a photo I am smitten with..I will delete it instead of fix it.

Another problem I have is patience.  On Wednesday we were out and about.  The moon was up and almost full.

Search for the moon

Yes the moon is there..but you have to search for it.

Moon November 08

This photo taken 20 minutes later was much better.

Horizons and patience both things I could improve on.  Have a good week everyone:)


  1. I find photographing things straight ahead difficult. I don't know why because I can get exactly the angle I want when I take pictures from sideways on.


  2. Very nice photos. I tend to have the same problem with horizons. :)

  3. Great shots. I have to admit I am having a hard time seeing the difference in the horizon shots. Both cool photos! The last moon one grabs me though. : )

  4. THAT'S what I'm talking about. I spelled critique wrong in the S.S. post......I knew it didn't look right;))))))

  5. Good ones. It took me a sec to see the difference in the first set...but I got really does make a difference. Oh and I love your Header pic.

  6. Nice! You nailed it :-). I've never thought about the time wasted straightening up shots, but you are right!

  7. I love the way the moon shows up when you changed the view point in the second set of pictures.

  8. I have a quick check list before I click the shutter. Is the horizon straight and is anything in the frame that I don't want.

  9. Horizons are difficult to straighten after the fact, depending on the software you have. Great job using the rule of thirds, too.

    I had to really squint and search for the moon - the second one is great.

  10. thank god we live now where we can take 100 photos without cost. Remember the time when it is on 24 or 36 prints on film? That time, you really need to be careful.

  11. I have a shot of the moon and a pine tree that is so much like yours I cannot believe it!

    Somehow I can't email you because "my Mail Client" isn't properly installed on my computer....wish I could send it to you. marlu


I love your comments! I am glad you stopped by! Connie