Monday, July 5, 2010

Macro Monday: Johnsons Blue Geranium

This is  Johnsons Blue Geranium, it is one of my favorite perennials because it is not fussy and just blooms off and on all summer long.  Check out more macros here:)


  1. very pretty periwinkle blue, so soft looking.

  2. Very pretty blue blooms; almost paper-like.

  3. My white ones are so boring. You need to get that Retired One to post your photo. I want to see it.

  4. I have that but bought it as a Cranesbill Geranium.....but then again maybe mine just LOOKS the same. Glad your internet is working again.

  5. I like that too. With the arthritis acting up in my hands I am having to go more for the less fussy plants and flowers myself.


I love your comments! I am glad you stopped by! Connie